LRG E3 2019 Announcements
We hope you have seen the LRG E3 2019 Announcements during their press conference at E3, aka LRG3. If not, watch it HERE, it’s awesome.
Whether you have watched it or not, it’s easy to lose track of which games LRG plans for which systems. But don’t worry – LimitedGameNews is here to support.
Below you’ll find an overview of all 41 announced current gen console games with all details revealed during LRG’s press conference and on Twitter.
Click on the image for each game if you want to check out a trailer (if available).
Title | Platform | Date | Trailer |
Night in the Woods | PS4, Switch | Q4 2019 |  |
Deadbolt | Vita | Q3 2019 |  |
Guacamelee! | Vita | June 14th, 2019 |  |
Super Mutant Alien Assault | Vita | July 5th, 2019 |  |
Pix the Cat | Vita | June 21st, 2019 |  |
Revenant Dogma | Vita | 2019 |  |
Mutant Blobs Attack!!! | Vita | June 14th, 2019 |  |
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken | Vita | 2019 |  |
Rocketbirds 2:
Evolution | Vita | 2019 |  |
Atari Flashback Classics | Vita | July 2019 | 
No trailer 🙁 |
Super Meat Boy | Vita | 2019 |  |
Damascus Gear
Operation Osaka | Vita | 2019 |  |
Damascus Gear
Operation Tokyo | Vita | 2019 |  |
Metal Slug 3 | Vita | July 12th, 2019 |  |
Papers, please | Vita | 2020 |  |
Power Rangers:
Battle for the Grid
Ranger Edition | PS4, Switch | June 10th, 2019 |  |
Hover | PS4 | July 26th, 2019 |  |
Transistor | PS4, Switch | July 5th, 2019 |  |
Rogue Legacy | PS4, Switch | July 19th, 2019 |  |
Bad North | Switch | Q3 2019 |  |
Dark Devotion | PS4, Switch | Q4 2019 |  |
Blazing Chrome | PS4, Switch | Q4 2019 |  |
Freedom Planet | PS4, Switch | June 21,st 2019 |  |
Turok | Switch | Q3 2019 |  |
Turok 2:
Seeds of Evil | Switch | Q3 2019 |  |
Blaster Master Zero | Switch | Q4 2019 |  |
Red Faction | PS4 | July 12th, 2019 | 
No trailer 🙁 |
atooi Collection | 3DS | TBA | 
No trailer 🙁 |
Corpse Killer | PS4 | July 30th, 2019 |  |
Double Switch | Switch | July 19th, 2019
August 2nd, 2019 |  |
real Myst
Masterpiece Edition | Switch | Q3 2019 | 
No trailer 🙁 |
Mercenary Kings
Reloaded Edition | PS4 | June 28th, 2019 |  |
Shenmue III
Collector's Edition | PS4 | November 19th, 2019 |  |
Star Wars:
Bounty Hunter | PS4 | June 28th, 2019 | 
No trailer 🙁 |