Lovers in a dangerous Spacetime | PlayStation & Nintendo Switch

Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
PlayStation 4 & Nintendo Switch

lovers-in-a-dangerours-spacetime-physical-retail-release-esrb-us-playtonic-friends-x-limited-run-games-playstation-4-nintendo-switch-cover-www.limitedgamenews.comLovers in a Dangerous Spacetime is a frantic 1- to 4-player couch co-op action space shooter.
Explore a colorful galaxy in a massive neon battleship that you control together by manning turrets, lasers, shields and thrusters.
Only through teamwork can you triumph over the evil forces of Anti-Love, rescue kidnapped space-bunnies, and avoid a vacuumy demise.
Deep space is a dangerous place, but you don’t have to face it alone!

Collectors’/Gamers’ Note
This release is not a part of the Limited Run Games Collection and is not a numbered release.
LRG is distributing this title on behalf of Asteroid Base.
Missing out on this release will not compromise a complete Limited Run set.
This item will also be avalible on Limited Run Games’ Amazon Store.

Availability / Price
open pre-order / $29.99

Pre-order date
opens: December 6th, 2022 12PM ET // 18:00 CET
closes: January 8th, 2023

Want the game? (see pre-order date)
Limited Run Games


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