Arcade Spirits | Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4

Arcade Spirits for Nintendo Switch & PlayStation 4

A partnership between Stefan Gagne and Aenne Schumann is dedicated to developing narrative adventure games. Arcade Spirits is their first release. Stefan Gagne has published several novels including City of Angles and anachronauts, and has developed award-winning modules for Neverwinter Nights including Penultima, elegia eternum, and the HeX coda. He also worked on the 7Seas Fishing Game, a successful casual game in Second Life. Aenne Schumann is a veteran of indie game journalism including press2reset, podcasts, and various panels. She also has worked on the narrative and dialogue writing of Ray’s the Dead and participated in game jams to make The Third Eye(TM), and Space Cat Boyfriend. They are currently working with collaborators including artists Molly Nemecek and Taylor Rose, and musician Greg Mirles.


Release date
Q2 2020

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