Caladrius Blaze for Nintendo Switch
Along with fantastic art and cutscenes to accompany the adrenaline-inducing gameplay this critically acclaimed shooter is receiving an update, rocketing it onto the must-have list for Nintendo Switch owner with a love for bullet hell shooters!
Featuring many of the weapon styles you’re used to in Shoot ‘Em Ups, Caladrius Blaze retains the gameplay of the original keeping mechanics like the ‘Element Shoot System’ – a special attack that makes each character unique – intact. ‘Elemental Shots’, which can be either defensively or offensively, will also retain along with there source management system ‘Element Gauge’.
Release date
July 19th, 2019 (pre-orders available now)
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NOTE: This is the trailer of the PS4 release, but it’s also getting a Nintendo Switch release and gameplay will be the same.