Owlboy for Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4

Owlboy for PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch

owlboy soedesco d-pad studio ps4 nintendo switch coverOwlboy tells the touching story of owl misfit Otus, a feathery little fellow struggling to live the owl life. Fate strikes when Otus’ beautiful homeland is invaded by a horde of malicious sky pirates. Otus embarks on a fascinating journey through seemingly endless skies and mysterious, monster-infested ruins. He must recruit his friends to employ their special puzzling- and combat skills, fight his foes and fly his way to safety.

Release date
May 29th, 2018

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Switch US $39.99 + shipping
Switch EU $39.99 + shipping
PS4 US $39.99 + shipping
PS4 EU $39.99 + shipping


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