Megadimension Neptunia VII | Nintendo Switch

Megadimension Neptunia VII for Nintendo Switch

megadimension neptunia vii physical release idea factory limited run games nintendo switch cover www.limitedgamenews.comMegadimension Neptunia VII – A new group has replaced Gamindustri’s Goddesses seemingly overnight, and Neptune’s nowhere in sight! Warped into a decimated new dimension, the Nep sisters join a mysterious Goddess to fight against a massive new threat to save the Zero Dimension.
Can they save multiple dimensions and restore order to Gamindustri?

Collectors’ Note
This release is not a part of the Limited Run Games Collection and is not a numbered release. LRG is distributing this title on behalf of idea Factory for the North American market.
Missing out on this release will not compromise a complete Limited Run set.

Availability / Price
open pre-order / $39.99

Pre-order window
opens July 28th, 2020
closes August 30th, 2020

Want the game? (see pre-order details)
Limited Run Games


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