Prison Boss VR for PlayStation VR
Crafting at night…
The crafting system in Prison Boss VR makes use of controllers in unique ways. Each crafting recipe consist in a series of gestures you’ll soon know how to perfect. Roll your cigarettes, fill up bottles, cook cakes, sculpt metal, create ropes out of pieces of fabric… and more! The game features 11 different craftables items, made out of 6 different base resources.
…Selling during the day
Each morning, the trader comes to see you. You can sell the products from your hard working nights or use them to complete jobs and earn some reputation along with some useful rewards. If you’re looking to buy stuff, prices change every day, so keep an eye out if you’re in need of specific items!
Customize your cell!
Create your perfect workshop by freely placing the furniture you buy where you want it! Add some posters on the wall or lamps to give it some style! But keep it functional, you’ll need space to hide your contraband and your money stacks from the guards!
There’s also a soundtrack bundle!
Availability / Price
1.800 games will be produced and 200 soundtrack bundles will be sold.
Game only: $29.99
Soundtrack bundle: $44.99
Pre-order date
Batch 1: April 24th, 2019 10AM US Eastern // 16:00 CEST
Batch 2: April 24th, 2019 6PM US Eastern // 24:00 CEST
Want the game? (see pre-order date)
Limited Run Games