NeuroVoider for PlayStation Vita

NeuroVoider for PlayStation Vita

neurovoider ps vita cover limitedgamenews.comNeuroVoider is a twin-stick shooter RPG set in a cyber futuristic world about brains shooting around evil robots with nuclear rocket launchers. Boost your character with the smoking remains of your victims and defeat the master to end this eternal war. Play it with up to 4 friends, or go alone in an adventure of hack’n’slash rampage, with a pinch of rogue-lite, and some permadeath.

Availability / Pricing
2.300 / $24.99

Pre-order date
1st batch: January 4th, 2019 10AM US Eastern // 16:00 CET
2nd batch: January 4th, 2019 6PM US Eastern // 24:00 CET

Want the game? (see pre-order date)
Limited Run Games


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NOTE Trailer is from PS4 version