Moorhuhn Jump-n-Run: Schatzjäger 2 for PlayStation 4/5
About Moorhuhn Jump-n-Run: Schatzjäger 2 – Welcome to the Foot of the Shlimalayas!
A new challenge for the daring treasure hunter Moorhuhn Indy!
Well hidden in the icy peaks of this mighty mountain range lies the Monastery of the Brotherhood of Sing Sang.
Since the beginning of time, the monks have guarded a mysterious artifact – the HEART OF GOLD.
Legend has it that this priceless gem bestows magical powers upon its owner.
Moorhuhn Indy will have to face many new and treacherous enemies, avoid countless traps, traverse rugged terrain, and battle snow drifts.
19.99 €
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PS4: Amazon Germany
PS5: Amazon Germany