Chroma Quaternion | PlayStation 4/5

Chroma Quaternion for PlayStation 4 & PlayStation 5

In a world with four kingdoms, each colored by a season, where roles are granted by the Quadeities, strange happenings suddenly threaten the peace there.
A quest begins to find each one’s calling in this intrigued fate and journey through the kingdoms to get to the bottom of the mystery!

Make use of up to three roles per character to enjoy the variety in skills, effects and even costumes.
In turn-based battles you can charge special orbs to use Act Over and launch up to four continuous actions.
It’s fun just to watch the charm of pixel arts in this fantasy JRPG called Chroma Quaternion!

Availability / Price
PS4: 1.000 / $34.99
PS5: open pre-order / $34.99

Pre-order date (PS4)
Batch 1: November 4th, 2022 10AM US Eastern // 15:00 CET
Batch 2: November 4th, 2022 6pm US Eastern // 23:00 CET

Pre-order window (PS5)
Opens: November 4th, 2022 10AM US Eastern // 15:00 CET
Closes: December 4th, 2022

Want the game? (see pre-order date)
Limited Run Games


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