Space Junkies for PS4 (PSVR)

Space Junkies for PlayStation VR

space junkies ps4 psvr cover limitedgamenews.comSpace Junkies is an FPS designed from the ground up to take advantage of all the wonders Virtual Reality can offer. Navigating in Space Junkies grants the player a great deal of freedom of movement and strategy on how they decide to approach different situations.
For example, do I fly straight into the action?
Do I play more tactically using covers to sneak from below or above and surprise the enemy?
Or should I maybe stake higher ground and cover my teammate while he goes in?

VR adds a whole new dimension in terms of situational awareness and is a real game-changer for the FPS genre. You will need to keep your wits about you as contact can come hard and fast from any direction!

Release date
March 26th, 2019

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