Shaq Fu A Legend Reborn PS4, Xbox One & Switch

Shaq Fu A Legend Reborn for PS4Nintendo Switch & Xbox One

shaq fu a legend reborn wired productions nintendo switch xbox one ps4 coverShaq Fu A Legend Reborn is an intense, action-packed beat ‘em up which sees players take on the role of the unstoppable Shaquille O’Neal as he fights his way through the hordes of hell and Hollywood. Master devastating combos, battle outlandish celebrity bosses and take on all comers with an array of weapons, including katanas, shuriken and baseball bats. Channel Shaq’s alter egos, Big Daddy O and Big Diesel, in epic battles in the successor to the worst game ever on a mission to restore Shaq’s legacy.

Release date
December 2018 (?)

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PS4 EU $29.99 + shipping
PS4 US $29.99 + shipping
Switch EU $39.99 + shipping
Switch US $39.99 + shipping
Xbox One EU $29.29 + shipping
Xbox One US $29.99 + shipping


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