The Count Lucanor for PS4, PS Vita and Nintendo Switch

The Count Lucanor for PlayStation 4PlayStation Vita & Nintendo Switch

the count lucanor for ps4 coverThe Count Lucanor for PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita and Nintendo Switch by Spain publisher Avance has been spotted by us on Play-Asia.
Update: In addition, we found this now on Amazon UK. Therefore there is a fair chance that it might also be released in other countries going forward.

Furthermore, we assume that this release will probably be quite limited.

You can buy the PS4 standard edition for only 17,99 € +shipping and a Collector’s Edition for 29,95 € +shipping at Amazon UK.
Furthermore, there is a PS Vita Edition available from Signature Edition Games for 28 €.

Release date
Note: Already out in some regions. The release date in Spain and UK was November 15th, 2017. People who have ordered in the UK have already received their copy. However the released was pushed back in Spain for release on December 9th, 2017 according to Amazon Spain.

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Play-Asia (Standard Edition PS4)
Play-Asia (Signature Edition PS4)
Amazon DE (Standard Edition Nintendo Switch)

Launch Trailer:

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Second Trailer

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Announcement Trailer:

YouTube player

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