Light Fairytale Episode 2 | PlayStation 4

Light Fairytale Episode 2 for PlayStation 4

Light Fairytale Episode 2 is a turn-based Japanese-style RPG series set in a dying underground world ruled by an evil empire.

The goal of this project is to bring back the immersion and emotion of 90’s era JRPGs on current platforms with the expected evolution in both design and technique.

Gamers’ / Collectors’ corner
Unfortunately, we missed to report on the first episode, which also got released by Red Art Games in April 2022. Fortunately, it’s still available to order and you get an automatic discount of 10 € if you order both at the same time.

Availability / Price
999 / 19.99 €

Pre-order date
December 7th, 2023 5 pm CET

Release date
Q1 2024

Want the game? (mind the pre-order date)
Buy it from Red Art Games
