Toaplan Arcade Garage: Kyukyoku Tiger-Heli
PlayStation 4 & Nintendo Switch
- Get Star (arcade version)
- Guardian (western arcade version of Get Star)
- Kyukyoku Tiger (Famicom version)
- Kyukyoku Tiger (PC Engine version)
- Kyukyoku Tiger (Mega Drive version)
- Twin Cobra (NES version)
- Twin Cobra (Genesis version)
- Tiger-Heli (Famicom version)
- Tiger-Heli (NES version)
Gamer’s/Collector’s Info
Please note that parts of the menu and other texts within the game, most notably screens which explain the button mappings, will be in Japanese. But it is considered to be fairly easy to figure everything out.
As other M2 ShotTriggers titles before, this may (or may not) get a localized physical release later by another Western indie game publishers. Noth
PS4: $59.99
Switch: $64.99
Release date
October 28th, 2021
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