Saturday Morning RPG for Nintendo Switch

Saturday Morning RPG for Nintendo Switch

Saturday Morning RPG is an episodic JRPG set in world heavily inspired by 1980s Saturday morning cartoons and pop culture. Players take the role of Martin ‘Marty’ Michael Hall, an average high-school student who has an incredible power that ultimately leads him to attract the ire of the world’s most notorious villain, Commander Hood!
Saturday Morning RPG features a full soundtrack by legendary composer Vince DiCola (Transformers: The Animated Movie, Rocky IV) and his composing partner, Kenny Meriedeth (contributor for DuckTales, Power Rangers, X-Men, and others).

Note that this is an open pre-order. Meaning LRG will collect all orders over a period of 2 weeks and then produce as many as they got orders.

$29.99 + shipping

Pre-order period
Pre-order period
– opens May 25th 10:00AM US Eastern/May 25th 16:00 CET
– ends June 1st 11:59PM US Eastern/June 2nd 05:59 CET

Want the game? (see pre-order period)
Limited Run Games
